Brew City Brawl

Brew City Brawl 2025


Tournament Format

This will be a 3-round, one-day tournament utilizing a resurrection format in which injuries are removed after each round, players do not earn SPP or advancements, and any differences in team TV is ignored. In essence, each team is ‘reset’ at the start of each round.

Round Draws and Scoring

Rounds will be drawn using Swiss Pairings. Tournament score will be calculated as follows:

Tiebreakers will likely be needed to determine the overall winners in each category, and will be calculated thusly:

Building a Team for the Brew City Brawl

Team budget and number of skills for the team are provided according to the below chart. Coaches must prepare a legal roster (11 players minimum before any Stars, no more than 16 rostered players) using the listed build value for the team’s tier.

Race Tier Build Value Skill Points Max Secondary
Chaos Dwarf 1 1,150,000 6 1
Dark Elf
Shambling Undead
Underworld Denizens
Amazon 2 1,160,000 7 1
Wood Elf
High Elf 3 1,170,000 8 2
Necromantic Horror
Tomb Kings
Elven Union
Chaos Renegade 4 1,180,000 9 2
Old World Alliance
Black Orc 5 1,190,000 10 3
Chaos Chosen
Imperial Nobility
Goblin 6 1,200,000 11 No Limit

One skill per player at a cost of Primary Skill = 1 SP , Secondary Skill = 2 SP. Players may not be given multiple skills. In addition to players, treasury may be spent as follows:

Quantity Inducement/Staff Cost Available To:
0-8 Rerolls Per Roster All teams
0-6 Assistant Coaches 10,000 All teams
0-12 Cheerleaders 10,000 All teams
0-1 Apothecary 50,000 Any teams able to hire an Apothecary per their roster
0-6 Dedicated Fans 10,000 All teams
0-1 Team Mascot 30,000 All teams
0-1 Weather Mage 30,000 All teams
0-2 Bloodweiser Kegs 50,000 All teams
0-3 Bribes* 100,000
All teams
(Bribery and Corruption)
0-1 Josef Bugman 100,000 All teams
0-1 Mortuary Assistant 100,000 Sylvanian Spotlight
0-1 Plague Doctor 100,000 Favored of Nurgle
0-2 Wandering Apothecary 100,000 Any teams able to hire an Apothecary per their roster
0-1 Riotous Rookies 100,000 Any team able to hire Riotous Rookies per their roster
0-1 Halfling Master Chef 300,000
All teams
0-1 Star Player Per Player Tier 1-4 Teams
0-2 Star Players Per Player Tier 5-6 Teams
Bribes: A coach cannot induce bribes if there is a player with the Sneaky Git skill AND/OR the Secret Weapon Trait on their roster.
Goblin and Snotling teams have special permission to induce bribes even if their roster contains players with the Secret Weapon
trait (but not the Sneaky Git skill).

Star Players

Star Players are handled somewhat differenty in this ruleset to encourage roster diversity.

The Tournament uses the Blood Bowl 2020 edition Exhibition play rules as found in the main Blood Bowl rulebook.

Dice Eqiquette

Coaches are expected to bring a single complete set of dice (3 six-sided block dice, 2 six-sided numerical dice, a single d8, and a single d16) that is clearly readable. In the event that alternate symbols are used on some faces of the dice, coaches should take time before the start of the match to make it clear what each symbol means. Coaches should also discuss and agree on what constitutes an acceptably-rolled die, a cocked die, etc. and how to resolve any issues with rolling. Agree on an approach and stick with it throughout the game!

The sharing of dice is encouraged, and is mandatory if requested by one of the coaches at any point in the game.

Code of Conduct

Should coaches have any concerns or questions during a game or between rounds, please speak to a referee. If they are asked to make a decision or judgment on a rule, remember that their decision is final.

Blood Bowl is a battle of skill and luck between you and your opponent. Quick reference guides for core rules are useful and encouraged; play books that explain how to set up, attempt a one-turn touchdown, etc. are not permitted.

Coaches are expected to be respectful to each other and to all other individuals in the tournament space. Please respect preferred modes of address, be mindful that others are using the space as well, and refrain from expressing excessive displeasure regarding things like failed rolls.

Game Completion: If a game is called by a referee after the allowed time for the round has expired, the game will end immediately with no further actions taken. As such it is in every coach's interest to ensure they keep an eye on the game time. Use of a game clock with equal time alloted to each coach is recommended but not required, unless requested by a coach during the round. Intentionally slow-rolling turns or otherwise delaying in an attempt to prevent the opposing coach from taking their alloted turns will result in a warning from referee and may lead to further escalation if it continues.

Spectating: Watching games after having finished their match during a round is strongly encouraged, as is inviting outside spectators to watch the game. When observing a game, coaches may not make any recommendations to either of the coaches still involved in the game.

Handling Miniatures: Always ask opponents before handling their figures, and respect them if they prefer not to.

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